Page 160 - Sağlık Dergisi Kasım 2019
P. 160

S ğlık     haber

          CEMİL HAS:

          ”Hedefimiz Medikal

          Ozon Alanında Dünya

          Lideri Olmak”

          Türkiye’de ilk yerli medikal ozon cihazını tasarlayıp
          üreten ve bu alanda lider olan Cemil Has Medikal, Ar-Ge
          faaliyetlerinin sonucunda aynı başarıyı yeni cihazlarında
          da yakalamayı hedefl iyor. Cemil Has, yaptıkları Ar-Ge
          faaliyetleri sonucu Fortem Ozon Sauna cihazını da
          piyasaya sundu. Fortem ozon sauna cihazı, Far IR ışını,
          su buharı, aromaterapi ve ozonu birleştirerek hepsi bir
          arada olan ilk cihaz olma özelliğini taşıyor. Cemil Has,
          çok kısa zamanda da Nova markasıyla hava ozonlama
          cihazını da piyasaya sunmaya hazırlanıyor.

                                 Cemil Has:
                ”Our Goal İs To Be A World Leader İn

                     The Field Of Medical Ozone”

               Cemil Has Medical, who designed and manufactured the first domes-
               tic medical ozone device in Turkey and is a leader in this field, aims
               to achieve the same success on his new devices as a result of his
               R&D activities.
               Cemil Has also launched the Fortem Ozone Sauna device as a result
               of their R&D activities.  The Fortem ozone sauna device is the first
               all-in-one device to combine the Headlight IR beam, water vapor,
               aromatherapy and ozone. Cemil Has is also preparing to launch the
               air ozone device under the Brand Nova in a very short time.
               In a statement to The Sağlık Magazine, Cemil Has, medical ozone
               device, German companies to be the world leader by stating that
               they aim to be, “At the moment as a company is ready to plan for the
               next 3 years. We have made plans for which devices will be released
               on which dates on the market and we have started R & D of many
               of them. Our first goal was to be a leader in Turkey in medical ozone
               device, fortunately we succeeded in this. Our goal now is to pass
               German-made devices and become a leader in the world,” he said.
               Cemil Has Medical Medical and Electronic Equipment manufactu-
               ring Maintenance Repair company, established in 2019, is a leading
               company in Turkey, Cemil Has Medical aims to achieve this success
               in other devices. Mesaj yazın
               Cemil Has: In December 2016, we started the design of a high-tech
               device that will push the top of the world.
               After about a year of work, we built a new device far above every
               aspect of the first device we produced. We decided to start the mar-
               ket with our brand, SALUTEM Medical Ozone Device, which is our
               brand with our patent.
               In a short period of 1.5 years, we took the lead in our field in the
               Turkish market by selling 3 times the number we targeted. This
               year, we opened up to the foreign market by exporting to the Midd-
               le East and Balkans.

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